My eshop EGGENLAND was shut down by Shopify after being reported by trans activists, because of my Feminism vs. Gender Ideology infographics you can see bellow. It is not just an attack on me. It is attack on Freedom of Speech. But I am working on a fresh new eshop, so don't worry and stay tuned! You can read more about attacks on me and my business in an article Dirty Tactics, Clear Goal: Silencing Women by Andreia Nobre or in an article White Male privilege in 2021 by Graham Linehan. 

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My eshop eggenland.com was shut down by Shopify after being reported by trans activists, because of my Feminism vs. Gender Ideology infographics you can see bellow. It is not just an attack on me. It is attack on Freedom of Speech. But I am working on a fresh new eshop, so don't worry and stay tuned! You can read more about attacks on me and my business in an article Dirty Tactics, Clear Goal: Silencing Women by Andreia Nobre or in an article White Male privilege in 2021 by Graham Linehan. 

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My eshop eggenland.com was shut down by Shopify after being reported by trans activists, because of my Feminism vs. Gender Ideology infographics you can see bellow. It is not just an attack on me. It is attack on Freedom of Speech. But I am working on a fresh new eshop, so don't worry and stay tuned! You can read more about attacks on me and my business in an article Dirty Tactics, Clear Goal: Silencing Women by Andreia Nobre or in an article White Male privilege in 2021 by Graham Linehan. 

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feminism vs gender ideology

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